Ремонт и модернизация прессового оборудования
Ремонт и модернизация прессового оборудования
Repair and modernization of press equipment

Repair and modernization of press equipment

The INTERMASHSTROY company carries out repair and modernization of heavy hydraulic presses of various degree of complexity. The experience and knowledge of our specialists will not only allow to fully restore its functional qualities, but also bring Your equipment to the modern technical level. The proposed modernization volumes will turn Your worn press into an updated, modern, high-performance machine.

Our team are specialists who have accumulated many years of experience in the design and manufacture of heavy hydraulic presses at the Kolomna Heavy Machine Tool Plant, which one of the areas has always been the design and manufacture of unique press equipment.

Modernization of presses is made according to requirements of modern technologies of manufacturing of products on the press equipment, degree of modernization is defined by the Customer.

  The proposed scope of modernization of heavy and unique hydraulic presses:

  1. Increasing the power parameters of the units;
  2. Improving the accuracy of the press parameters;
  3. Increase press productivity;
  4. Equipping of presses with auxiliary mechanisms for automation of technological processes.


 List of works:

  1. Technical expertise of equipment with recommendations;
  2. Preparation of technical specification;
  3. Execution of design works on modernization and reconstruction;
  4. Production in metal of a repair set of units and parts with the subsequent test at factory and at the customer according to the program;
  5. Carrying out the supervision of installation or installation works;
  6. Pre-commissioning activities;
  7. Training of Customer's personnel;
  8. Putting the equipment into commercial operation with registration of the necessary document.


The INTERMASHSTROY company carries out repair and modernization of serial and unique press equipment. Our experience and knowledge guarantee the achievement of assigned tasks with minimal costs.

The list of equipment manufactured at the Kolomna Heavy Machine Tool Plant:


Denomination Model Force MN Pressing speed, mm / s Diameter of ingot, mm Length of ingot, mm Weight, ton
1. Press for production of pipes made of copper ПА8340 10 2…200 85…180 100…300 240
2 Press for production of pipes made of copper ПА8340Р 10 0,2…25 85…181 100…301 240
3 Press for production of pipes made of aluminium П8742БМ 16 0,2…30 150…200 450…800 370
4 Press for production of pipes made of aluminium (reverse pressing) П8842 16 0,2…40 150…200 450…800 135
5 Press for production of pipes made of steel П8742А 16 400 100…150 400…600 305
6 Press for production of pipes made of copper П8742 16 2…80 150…250 3000…700 650
7 Press for production of pipes made of copper ПА8742Ц1 16 2…150 150…250 300…700 650
8 Press for production of pipes made of steel 20 400 140…180 600…700 380
9 Press for production of profiles made of aluminium 25 0,2…28 195…245 400…840 520
10 Press for production of bars made of copper 25 2…80 180…280 300…800 800
11 Press for production of bars made of copper ПБ8744П 25 2…150 180…280 300…800 800
12 Press for production of pipes made of aluminium П8745 31,5 0,2…30 250…280 400…850 530
13 Press for production of pipes made of steel П8145А 31,5 2…400 180…250 700…900 520
14 Press for production of pipes made of copper 31,5 2…60 200…360 300…900 960
15 Press for production of pipes made of copper ПА8745П-1 31,5 2…150 200…360 300…900 960
16 Press for production of profiles made of aluminium 35 0,3…25 215…300 600…1040 563
17 Press for production of profiles made of aluminium (reverse pressing) КП535ф2 35 0,2…30 250…410 500…1200 620
18 Press for production of bars made of copper ПА649А 50 2…150 300…420 300…1000 1200


Denomination Model Force, МН Working space diameter, mm Working space height, mm Working pressure, MPa Working temperature, С Weight, ton
1 Hydrostat КП650 50 450 1200 310 30
2 Gasostat ЯО615 50 320 1000 200 1200 75
3 Hydrostat КП651 100 650 1000 310 90 65
4 Gasostat ЯО6016 125 485 1800 200 1200 223
5 Hydrostat ЯО6012 160 1000 1800 200 180
6 Gasostat ГУ40 400 1300 1500 150 1200 836
7 Hydrostat Г63 630 1500 1500 350 942


Model Force, MN Deforming pressure, MPa Length of working table, mm Width of working table, mm Height of stamped part, mm Number of tables Weight, ton
1 КП569 50 200 Ф800 200 1 80
2 КП393 60 100 1130 600 100 2 70
3 КП653 150 60 2500 1200 200 2 450
4 ЯО6017 240 100 2100 1330 250 4 1250
5 ЯО6017А 240 100 2100 1330 250 4 1250
6 ЯО6017Б 249 100 2100 1330 250 4 945


Model Force, MN Deforming pressure, MPa Length of working table, mm Width of working table, mm Height of stamped part, mm Number of tables Weight, ton
1 КП570 300 60 2500 1600 350 2 230
2 КП623 400 100 3000 1200 250 2 350
3 ЯО6019 600 100 4200 1415 250 2 420


Model Pipe diameter, mm Pipe length, m Number of positions Test pressure, MPa Capacity, pcs / h Weight, ton
1 КП611 19…114 5…10 2 20 200 50
2 КП146 48…146 5,5…11,5 1 125 100 250
3 КП536 114…324 5…13 1 125 100 280
4 КП547 219…530 11,7 1 34 90 300
5 КП669 245…600 8…13 1 47 80 260
6 КП9344 1220…1620 11…11,5 1 25 15 450


Also the INTERMASHSTROY company is engaged in repair and modernization of the press equipment of production of the Odessa plant of presses; the Dnepropetrovsk plant of presses; Yamasui, Japan, other serial and unique presses.

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